Operating Manual
[Verbergen]- 1 Operating Manual
- 1.1 Management Entrance Unit
- 1.2 Management Exit Unit
- 1.3 Management Cashbox Card Issue
- 1.4 Management Cash Register
- 1.5 Management Employee
- 1.6 Registration Ladies
- 1.7 Lockers Management
- 1.8 Backend Administration
- 1.8.1 Analysis Card Usage
- 1.8.2 Create Backend POS Product Categories
- 1.8.3 Delete Backend POS product categories
- 1.8.4 Create Product Categories
- 1.8.5 Change or Delete Product Categories
- 1.8.6 Backend/Create/Add and Hide products
- 1.8.7 Ersatz- oder neue Produkte hinzufügen
- 1.8.8 Produktzuordnung Damen Provision
- 1.8.9 Backend/ Karten Historie
- 1.8.10 Backend/Personen anlegen
- 1.8.11 Backend/Personen deaktivieren
- 1.8.12 Backend/Kassensitzung
- 1.9 MwSt. Satz eintragen, verändern und anzeigen.
- 1.10 Backend/Ticketnutzung
- 1.11 Backend/Spindnutzung
Operating Manual
Management Entrance Unit
Day Ticket Gentleman
First, press the button Gentleman.
Make your selection.
Day ticket Gentleman.
Tap on Payment at the bottom right and then select your payment method.
Select payment method and pay (cash in the example).
10er-Card Gentleman
Press the button Gentleman.
Make your selection.
10er Card Gentleman.
Tap on Payment at the bottom right and then select your payment method.
Select payment method and pay (cash in the example).
Check-In procedure 10 uses Card Gentleman
Please scan an RFID card
After scanning the RFID card, the machine shows you a general overview
and its remaining passages. Please press "Payment".
You will now see "Process Completed" and can enter through the gate.
Check-In procedure Ladies Card
Please scan an RFID card
After scanning the RFID card, the machine shows you a general overview,
the total amount to be paid, the products and the validity of the card.
Please press "Payment"
And then select a payment method.
After the payment process you can enter through the gate.
Management Exit Unit
Please scan an RFID card
(in Bearbeitung)......... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Management Cashbox Card Issue
POS / RFID - Ladies Card Free Entry
Press Button Ladies Free Entry.
Please scan an RFID card.
Press the Payment Button.
Process completed.
1. Check-In at Vending Unit
2. Access through the Gate
3. Only then is it possible to purchase products.
POS / RFID - Card Gentleman Free Entry
Select the product RFID.
Then select the product RFID Card for Gentleman free of Charge.
Please scan an RFID card.
The free Gentleman's Card with €0.00 is now displayed in the Checkout Field.
Now press payment.
The prompt Payment: 0.00 € please scan card appears, now please scan the Master Card.
The following window appears (The Customer has paid).
1. Check-in at the Vending Unit
2. Access through the Gate
3. Only then is it possible to purchase products.
POS / RFID - Ladies Card
Select the product RFID.
Select the product RFID Card Ladies.
You will now see a search field (Search for Customers).
Click on the Magnifying Glass and the following window will open (List of Names).
Now select the Lady from the List of Names to which you would like to assign the Card.
Then press the "Select customer" button.
The prompt "Please scan an RFID card" appears.
The Free Ladie's Card with €0.00 is now displayed in the checkout field.
Now press payment.
The prompt Payment: 0.00 € please Scan Card appears, please scan the Manager Card.
The window "the customer has paid" appears.
Management Cash Register
Product Sale
After the loading screen, you will get to the POS interface.
To place an order, first select the product type.
Select the product.
To select products from another category, you need to click on the Home icon.
To increase the quantity of a product, you need to click on the product multiple times or change the quantity using the number bar.
You can also change the quantity of a product already added by highlighting it in the cart and then using the numeric keypad.
To remove a product from the cart, you must highlight the product and then press the delete key on the numeric keypad twice (pressing once removes only the quantity).
If you want to completely delete the order, repeat the process until the shopping cart is empty.
Products in the champagne category have a bonus. When adding such a product, you will be asked to select a person whose account should be credited with the bonus.
To select a person, click the magnifying glass icon or enter a name.
Then select the person who should receive the bonus from the list.
Then please click the "Add" button.
If there is no need to add a bonus, skip this step by clicking the button
Click "Next".
After you have placed an order, you must confirm it.
To confirm your order, click the "Payment" button.
Then please scan a customer card.
If the order has been created successfully, you will see the following information in window that opens.
Execution of Cancellation
You have opened your cash register and want to make a cancellation.
The customer in the example bought an apple juice.
Please click Cancellation.
The following view opens, please click on the magnifying glass.
You will now see all the products from that day that you can cancel.
Please press cancel.
In the next view you will see the product that is to be cancelled.
Please press payment.
You will now be prompted to scan the card.
Please scan the card on which the product is to be cancelled.
You will now see the following first...
....and immediately afterwards
Now please scan the Supervisor-Card.
The process is then complete.
You can check this as follows.
Test 1
Please click Cancellation.
And in the next view again on the magnifying glass.
You will now see that there is no "STORNO" behind the product you just canceled.
Test 2
At checkout, click RFID Info.
Please scan the RFID card where the amount should be credited again.
Under Card Balance you can see the amount on the card.
Test 3 (Backend)
You can see in the backend for orders that the €3.50 has been credited back.
Test 4
In the same view you can press the minus amount and then get
in the next view under Type the sales refund is displayed.
Order with locker number(An employee is registered)
Choose a product (e.g. soft drinks).
In the next step e.g. Coca Cola
The following pop-up opens.
Click on lockers please.
You will now see a number input field
Here you enter the locker number of the customer,
then "Please scan the Supervisor-Card" appears
After scanning the Supervisor-Card, you will see the selected product.
Please press payment.
You will now see that the customer has paid.
Order with locker number (A Supervisor/Manager is logged in)
Choose a product (e.g. soft drinks).
In the next step e.g. Coca Cola
The following pop-up opens.
Click on lockers please.
You will now see a number input field
Enter the customer's locker number here
You see the selected product.
Please press payment.
You will now see that the customer has paid.
Management Employee
Employees can also be managed at the cash register card issue.
RFID Staff Card (Employee- already stored in the list of names)
Select the product RFID.
Select the product RFID Staff Card.
You will now see a search field (search for customers).
If the employee is already registered, click on the magnifying glass
a window with list of names opens.
From the list of names, select the employee who should receive the card.
Please scan a new RFID card.
After scanning the card, you will see the selected product on the checkout screen
(incl. the content), now press payment.
Please scan the manager card.
The customer has paid.
RFID Staff Card (Employee has not yet been recorded)
Select the product RFID.
Select the product RFID staff card.
You will now see the following view: (please click on the figure with the + sign).
You will now see the following view: (create the employee here).
After you have filled out all the required fields, please click on Save.
Now click on Select Customer.
Please repeat the steps from the instructions from here.
Registration Ladies
Registration Flow
Select Register
Enter the necessary data, at the end please confirm with CONTINUE.
Please select:
I take part in the Düsseldorf procedure and instruct the operator to pay the daily flat rate to the tax office.
I am not taking part in the Düsseldorf procedure.
Do not forget to confirm the terms and conditions and data protection information.
Lockers Management
Lockers after Inspection and Cleaning by Qualified Staff
18 lockers have not been released yet after use by the customer.
3 lockers are already back (green) and released.
After cleaning and checking, simply left-click the locker number once again
should be released.
Lockers 4 and 5 after approval by Staff.
Backend Administration
In the backend, only tasks can be carried out according to the assigned authorization structure.
Analysis Card Usage
1. Log in the Backend
Log in to the backend with the access data you received:
After logging in, the following window opens: Please click on the small tile at the top left.
You will now see the following screen: (Selection of the individual functions).
2. Product Analysis of a Card (am Beispiel Herren)
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here for sale.
You will now see the Sales view. Open the list under Sales and then click on Products.
You will now be shown the Products view, enter e.g. "men" in the search field.
You will now see all products that contain the word "men" in this view.
In the example, select the product Gentlemen €50.00.
You will now see the Products/Gentlemen view. Please click on Ticket here.
In the next view, please click on Card Gentlemen Template.
In the view Products/Gentlemen/Card Gentlemen Template, please click on "Additional Products".
You will now see a list of all products on the Gentlemen's card.
3. Validity of a Card
Validity of a Ladies or Gentlemen's card. Click Tickets
You will now see the following view "Tickets" - in the list you will see the Product Ladies.
A period of validity under from-to is not displayed because a ladies card remains valid after entry until exit.
Validity of a Gentlemen's Card. Click on tickets as shown above, you will then see the same list.
A Gentlemen's Card is always valid for 24 hours or until the man leaves.
4. Locker Number of a Card
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here for lockers.
You will now see the Lockers view:
In the view you will see the locker numbers, the condition, the size, the card number and cleaned on, as well as activated or not activated. You can also sort using the individual headings.
5. Disable a Card
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here on RFID cards.
You will now see all registered cards. Select the card that should be deactivated here. You can click on the card number, EAN number, type, partner or issue date.
Now you can see the called record, please click here "Edit".
In the next step, please click on "Expiry Date Disabled., and then on "Save".
Now the card is deactivated, you can check this with a step back. To do this, please click on "Registered cards"
You will now see a tick in the "Deactivated" column for the data record you had previously selected.
6. If a card is lost (card data transferred to the new card)
Create Backend POS Product Categories
Sie bekommen nach der Anmeldung das Bild mit der Auswahl der einzelnen Funktionen angezeigt.
Click here on cash register.
You will now see the Checkout view. Please select POS product categories under configuration.
You are now presented the POS product categories view. Please select "Create" at the top left.
In the next window that opens, enter the name of the product category and a number for the order.
- (in the example cigarettes).
- Number/Order
- Save
After saving, please select POS product categories.
You will now see the new product Cigarettes in the POS product categories list.
Delete Backend POS product categories
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here on Cash Register.
You will now see the Cash Register view. Please select under configuration, POS product categories.
You are now presented with the POS product categories view.
Here you choose the example of cigarettes again.
The created product is now displayed
You will then see a message again.
Do you really want to delete the record?
If you confirm with OK, the data record is deleted.
Check whether the data record was really deleted.
You select POS product categories again
In the list that is now displayed, the deleted product should be displayed (in the example cigarettes)
can no longer be displayed.
Create Product Categories
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here "sale"
You will now see the Sales view.
Open the list here under Configuration and then click on Product Categories
You will now see the Product categories view.
Select "Create" in the top left
You can now create a new product category.
(in the example condoms)
To do this, proceed as follows:
- You enter the category name.
- In the main category, select ALL.
- Don't forget to save.
- Everything else is preset and does not need to be changed if there is no reason to do so.
After saving, please check for yourself whether your new product category has been created.
To do this, simply select Product Categories after saving.
You will now see your new created Product Category at the end of the list.
Change or Delete Product Categories
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here "Sale"
You will now see the Sales view.
Open the list here under Configuration and then click on Product Categories
You will now see the Product categories view.
You simply select the product category that you want to change or delete.
(in the example condoms)
You will now see the editing window (like when creating a new product category).
If you select 1. in the top left, you can edit the product category.
The steps after that are the same as when creating a new product category
Unter 2. Action you can delete the product category.
If you have selected delete, you will be asked again whether you really want to delete the data record.
After selecting OK you can check for yourself whether the product category has been deleted.
To do this, simply select product categories again at the top left and this will take you to the list.
The condoms entry should now be missing from the list and has therefore been successfully deleted.
Backend/Create/Add and Hide products
After logging in, you will be shown the screen with the selection of the individual functions.
Click here for Sale.
You will now see the Sales view.
Open the list under Sales and then click on Products.
You will now see the Products view. Please click on "Create" here.
You will then see the following view and can now add new products, divide them into categories, select the product type and set the sales price.
The fields that have to be filled out are all MUST fields and NONE can fields!
Please proceed step by step.....
- Enter the product name (in the example Chef Salad).
- The checkmark Can be sold MUST be ticked. (if this tick is missing, the product will not be displayed on the POS).
- Checkmark MUST be set for Can be purchased. > Reiter General information tab<
- Product type MUST be selected (service in the example).
- Internal reference MUST be entered (in the example 11).
- Internal category MUST be selected (in the example All/Food).
- Selling price MUST be entered.
> Reiter Sale <
- Checkmark MUST be set at Available at Point Of Sale.
- Point of Sale Kategorie MUSS eingetragen werden. (im Beispiel, Speisen).
- > Im Reiter Abrechnung < (hier wird auch die MwSt. eingetragen oder angepasst)
- Steuern (Verkauf) MUSS die Umsatzsteuer eingetragen werden.
- Steuern (Einkauf) MUSS die Vorsteuer eingetragen werden.
- Fakturierungsregel- MUSS Rechnung bei Auftrag angeklickt werden.
> Reiter Ticket <- Reihenfolge MUSS eingetragen werden.
- Ticket Display Name MUSS eingetragen werden.
- Print Name MUSS eingetragen werden.
- Lock Timeout (Sec) MUSS eingetragen werden.
- Ticket Template MUSS eingetragen werden.
Am Ende bitte oben links "Speichern" nicht vergessen.
Sie möchten ein Produkt welches Sie nicht mehr verkaufen ausblenden,...gehen Sie bitte wie folgt vor:
Wählen Sie das Produkt welches Sie nicht mehr verkaufen möchten.
Klicken Sie bitte auf das Feld "Bearbeiten".
Dann entfernen Sie bitte den Haken bei "Kann verkauft werden".
Am Ende oben links bitte "Speichern".
Ersatz- oder neue Produkte hinzufügen
Sie bekommen nach der Anmeldung das Bild mit der Auswahl der einzelnen Funktionen angezeigt.
Klicken Sie hier auf Verkauf.
Auf der nächste Seite dem "Armaturenbrett" öffnen Sie bitte Ersatzprodukte- Alle
Sie bekommen nun folgende Liste angezeigt "Ersatzproduktgruppe" klicken Sie bitte auf "Anlegen":
Sie bekommen nun Ersatzproduktgruppe/NEU angezeigt und können hier jetzt ihre Produkte/Ersatzprodukte anlegen.
Am Ende oben links bitte "Speichern".
Sie möchten in der Ersatzproduktgruppe schon bestehende Gruppen/Produkte ändern, dann gehen Sie wie folgt vor:
Wählen Sie bitte die Gruppe aus welche Sie ändern möchten indem Sie diese direkt anklicken.
Im nächsten Fenster bitte oben links "Bearbeiten" anklicken, danach können Sie die Gruppe/Produkte bearbeiten.
Nach der Bearbeitung klicken Sie oben links bitte wieder auf "Speichern".
Produktzuordnung Damen Provision
Sie bekommen nach der Anmeldung das Bild mit der Auswahl der einzelnen Funktionen angezeigt.
Klicken Sie hier auf Verkauf.
Auf der nächste Seite dem "Armaturenbrett" öffnen Sie bitte unter "Cashback" Produkt-Cashback.
Auf der nächsten Seite "Produkt-Cahsback" klicken Sie bitte auf das Produkt wo Sie den Cashback angezeigt bekommen möchten.
Auf der nächsten Seite klicken Sie auf "Bearbeiten", im Anschluss können Sie die Daten bearbeiten.
Am Ende oben links bitte "Speichern".
Backend/ Karten Historie
Sie bekommen nach der Anmeldung das Bild mit der Auswahl der einzelnen Funktionen angezeigt.
Klicken Sie hier auf RFID-Karten.
Sie bekommen nun die Registrierte Karten angezeigt. Hier bitte auf " Karten-Aktionen" und im Anschluss auf "Kartenbericht klicken".
Es öffnet sich RFID-Kartenbericht erstellen, hier geben Sie bitte eine Karten- oder Spind Nummer ein: und klicken im Anschluss auf Erzeugen Sie:
Jetzt bekommen Sie den Bericht angezeigt.
Backend/Personen anlegen
Sie bekommen nach der Anmeldung das Bild mit der Auswahl der einzelnen Funktionen angezeigt.
Klicken Sie hier auf Partners.
Sie bekommen nun die Liste Partners angezeigt, hier klicken Sie bitte auf "Anlegen".
Sie bekommen nun Partner/Neu angezeigt und können jetzt hier die jeweilige Person/Personen anlegen.
Am Ende Speichern oben links bitte nicht vergessen.
Im nächsten Schritt öffnen Sie bitte eine Kassensitzung "KARTENAUSGABE".
Kasse Kartenausgabe "Neue Sitzung" (wenn vorher noch keine geöffnet war).
Bitte scannen Sie eine neue RFID Karte.
Im Anschluss sehen Sie das ausgewählte Produkt, bestätigen Sie bitte mit Zahlung:
Nachdem Sie Zahlung angeklickt haben bitte mit der Supervisor Karte bestätigen.
Die Person ist nun im System angelegt.
Backend/Personen deaktivieren
Sie bekommen nach der Anmeldung das Bild mit der Auswahl der einzelnen Funktionen angezeigt.
Klicken Sie hier auf Point of Sale (POS).
Sie bekommen nun die Kassen angezeigt.
Je nachdem welche Kasse Sie jetzt öffnen möchten klicken Sie auf der jeweiligen Kasse "Neue Sitzung".
(Beispiel 1, Kasse).
Es öffnet sich die Kasse.
MwSt. Satz eintragen, verändern und anzeigen.
Klicken Sie auf Verkauf.
Öffnen Sie unter Verkauf den Reiter "Konfiguration" und klicken dann bitte auf "Produktkategorien".
Klicken Sie in der Liste die sich geöffnet hat z.B. auf Alle/Säfte
Sie sehen nun das Produkt Säfte und klicken hier bitte auf "Bearbeiten"
Hier können Sie nun die MwSt. bearbeiten, anpassen, ändern.
Bitte am Ende des Vorgangs oben links "Speichern" nicht vergessen.