Backend Frontend ~ ETISS ERP ~ Reporting v10

Version vom 17. Dezember 2020, 18:02 Uhr von Astashenko (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Changed size)
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Scheduled Report

In the backend, you have the possibility to generate a sales report.

You can define the period for days, weeks, and months or from date to date. To do this, proceed as follows:

Open the backend and click on the Sales / Verkauf tab.

Main menu.png


Main menu 2.png

Select Scheduled Report. / Geplanter Bericht => Report Job / Bericht Job

sale shedule report.png


sale shedule report 2.png

Here you have the possibility to select the desired sales report. In the following, we will deal with the general creation of any set period.

Click on the line marked in the picture above, which is to be selected for the user-defined ('Custom') sales reports.

Important: Do not set a checkmark, but click on the line as you like.

Custom report screen.png

The following menu will now appear:


In this menu, you already have the possibility to load the preset period of the sales report as PDF by means of the button Export now / Jetzt exportieren. To change this period, however, you must go to the link 'Scheduled Report. Umsatzreport. Custom', (see screenshot above).

Now press the Edit / Bearbeiten button

edit button menu.png

The desired date (from ... to ...) can be entered in the marked areas.

green: start of the period

orange: end of the period


  • 2020-12-31 --> year-month-day ; 00:00:00 --> hour:minute:second
  • make sure that you set the correct parameters for your desired period.
  • note that the 'to' date is set to 00:00:00 on the following day (here: 2020-12-31 00:00:00hr) so that 2020-12-30 is fully included in the revenue view/report. Alternatively, 2020-12-31 23:59:59 would also be possible as the 'to' date.
time condition.png

In the context field, you can filter the reporting. For example:

  • in the 'accounts_list' you specify accounting taxes
  • 'payment_account_list' in this field you specify payment account list etc.
context condition.png

Save, after setting the time period.

Go back to the reporting menu and select it again.

Now, in order to get the sales report in the form of a PDF, you need to click on the Export now / Jetzt exportieren button.

export button.png

Now you will receive the PDF with the desired period.

Umsatzreport shows selling info by finance accounts.

The first column (Soll) show how many moneys were paid by different accounts (Cash\Kredikartte\etc)

The second column (Haben) show grouped by finance account what\how many were bought and total price

scheduled report 1.png
scheduled report 2.png

