FMCU Galaxy Gate ~ Management Dashboard

De.png En-active.png


The Wanzl Access Manager offers a central dashbaord for access controls in a homogeneous interface, displays the corresponding states and supports the user in the administration of these components. The Wanzl Access Manager is a leading platform for monitoring and managing access controls of security areas.


Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard Headline.png
Number Function
1 Button Management Dashboard
2 Administration
3 Events Button
4 Cards Button
5 Statistics Button
6 Logged in User
7 Log out Button
8 Languages menu
9 Adjust the display to entire width of the screen

Menu items


https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates

In this view, all access controls are shown in an intuitive interface. There are grouping options in two categories. First of all, you can group by Location. You can then combine different Positions within the location. Individual gates can be added using the "New" menu item.


Set up a new Gate

In this view you create a New gate. The fields Names, Displayed Name and Position of the Gate must be verified with values. Then click on Facilities.


You can now see in the view that you have created a NEW gate, in this case the fourth gate in this view.


In the next step you connect the gate to the server.

https://<IP-Adresse des Dashboards>

To do this, check on the General tab that the correct gate name has been entered.


Then check the following points on the Server tab.

Server#0 (server)- must be set to remote.

Activated slide-switch is activated.

Your server should be entered under Name*.

Your URL should be entered under URL*.

Gate should be entered under Username*.

Your password should be entered under Password*.

Save at the end.


In the next step, please click on System in the top bar.


You will now see the following display, here please press restart once. Now your new gate should be connected.


Finally, you can check the connection in the Status tab. CONNECTED must now appear under State.


Edit existing Gate

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates

You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.

Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.


In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to edit (in the example P1_TestGate2).


In this view, please press the "Edit" function.


You can now edit the gate in this view.


Remove Gate

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates

You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.

Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.


In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to delete (in the example P1_TestGate6).


In this view, please press the "Delete" function.


To be on the safe side, you will now be asked again whether you really want to delete the element? Please confirm this.


After deleting, you will automatically be shown the next gate (here in the example P1_TestGate2). Please click on attachments here.


You will then see in the grid view that Gate P1_TestGate6 is missing and has been successfully deleted.




https://<dns-name or ip-address>/users

Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie eine Übersicht aller Benutzer Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard Users.png

Nummer Funktion
1 Neuen Benutzer anlegen
2 Benutzer nach Standort filtern
3 Benutzer nach Postition filtern

Set up new User

Klicken Sie unter Benutzer auf den Button Neu

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-user

Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new Users.png

Feldname Beschreibung
Id Automatisch generierte eindeutige Nummer des Benutzers
Benutzername* Benutzername des Benutzers für die Anmeldung
Passwort* Passwort des Benutzers für die Anmeldung
Email Email Adresse des Benutzers zum Versand von Log Nachrichten
Vorname Vorname des Benutzers
Nachname Nachname des Benutzers
Info Beschreibung des Benutzers
Superuser Die höchsten Rechte werden dem Benutzer vergeben
Locked Die Anmeldung des Benutzers ist gesperrt
Meldungen deaktivieren Der Benutzer erhält keine Benachritgungen im FMCU Management Dashboard

* Unbedingt erforderliche Felder Durch den Button Speichern wird der neue Benutzer angelegt.

Edit existing User

Klicken Sie unter Benutzer auf den zu bearbeitenden Benutzer

Event Notifications

Unter diesem Reiter können die Benachrichtigungen ausgewählt werden welcher der Benutzer erhalten soll.
Hinweis: Ist die Checkbox Meldungen deaktivieren gesetzt werden unabhängig von diesen Einstellungen keine Benachrichtigungen angezeigt.

Locations & Positions Tab

Man kann unterschiedliche Standorte in Länder und Städte festlegen. Über das Berechtigungsmodell lassen sich separate Zugriffsrechte für jeden Standort definieren.

Groups Tab

Unter diesem Reiter können Sie die Gruppenmitgliedschaften des Benutzers anpassen.

Permissions Tab

Unter diesem Reiter werden die Berechtigungen des Benutzers angezeigt
Durch den Button Speichern werden alle Änderungen angewendet.


https://<dns-name or ip-address>/groups

Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie eine Übersicht aller GruppenGate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard groups.png

Set up new Group

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-group

Klicken Sie unter Gruppen auf den Button NeuGate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new groups.png

Feldname Beschreibung
Id Automatisch generierte eindeutige Nummer der Gruppe
Name Name der Gruppe
Info Beschreibung der Gruppe

* Unbedingt erforderliche Felder

Durch den Button Speichern wird die neue Gruppe angelegt.

Edit existing Group

Klicken Sie unter Gruppen auf die zu bearbeitende Gruppe

Users Tab

Unter diesem Reiter können Sie die Mitglieder der Gruppe anpassen.

Permissions Tab

Unter diesem Reiter werden die Berechtigungen angezeigt welche den Mitgliedern der Gruppe vererbt werden.
Durch den Button Speichern werden alle Änderungen angewendet.


https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cities

On this page you can see an overview of all positions

Set up new Position

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-city

Under Positions click on the button New Enter the name of the position and assign the position to a location using the dropdown field. Click on the Save button to create the position

Edit existing Position

Under Positions click to edit the position
Here you can edit the position name and location


https://<dns-name or ip-address>/countries

Auf dieser Seite sehen Sie eine Übersicht aller Standorte

Set up new Location

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-country

Klicken Sie unter Standorte auf den Button Neu

Feldname Beschreibung
Id Automatisch generierte eindeutige Nummer des Standorts
Name* Name des Standorts
Code* Ländercode des Standorts
Info Beschreibung des Standorts

* Unbedingt erforderliche Felder
Klicken Sie auf den Button Speichern umd die Position anzulegen

Edit existing Location

Under Location Under Location, click the location you want to edit
Hier können Sie die den Namen, den Code sowie die Info des Standorts bearbeiten

Locations & Positions

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/locations

Here you can see an overview of all positions and their assigned locations


https://<dns-name or ip-address>/configurations



https://<dns-name or ip-address>/events

In this view, the events of all access controls are shown in an intuitive list view. There are filtering options and a name search for the events.

Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard Events.png

The following filters can be set:

  1. Location
  2. Position
  3. Factory
  4. Search by Event name
  5. Time Period

Event Definitions

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definitions

In this view, all events that the FMCU contains are listed and their event definition groups, supported states and categories are assigned.Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definitions.png

Event definition Groups

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definition-groups

All event definition groups are listed under this tab.Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definition-groups.png

Create a new Event definition Group

Click Event defenition groups on the Button New

Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new event-definition-group.png

Fieldname Description
ID Automatically generated unique group number
Name Name of the group
Info Group description

* Absolutely required fields

Under the Event defenition tab select the event definitions that are to be assigned to the group.

Event Subscriptions

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-subscriptions

There is the possibility to link groups of alarm messages with groups of users. As a result, only group members are notified of alarm messages that are also grouped,

image event subscription.png

Fieldname Description
ID internal value
Group Summary of users
Ereignisdefinitionsgruppe Event definition group
Locked Notifications deactivated/activated
Info Description field


https://<dns-name or ip-address>/notifications

Sent notifications are displayed in this overview. You can adjust the view accordingly using a date filter.

image notofication statistics.png



https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards

This view shows an overview of the RFID cards in the system with the gates enabled for access.

image card overview.png

Edit Cards

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards-edit

In this view, cards can be added / removed and authorizations for individual gates can be defined.

image card settings.png

Field Description
Barcode Card content that is captured by the reader
Employee Description field
Employee ID Description field
Quantity Number of accesses for this card


In this view, all activities for the assigned access controls are shown. You can adjust the view with date filters. It is possible to group the screen output, e.g. only to evaluate the number per day or month. Finally, the data can be exported in Excel format or CSV-format.

image statistics.png

