Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

(Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung)
(Markierung: 2017-Quelltext-Bearbeitung)

De.png En-active.png

General[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The Wanzl Access Manager offers a central dashbaord for access controls in a homogeneous interface, displays the corresponding states and supports the user in the administration of these components. The Wanzl Access Manager is a leading platform for monitoring and managing access controls of security areas.

Sign Up[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Please enter the login information provided by support here to log in to the central dashboard.



Headline[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

FMCU Headline.png

Number Function
1 Button Management Dashboard
2 Administration
3 Events Button
4 Cards Button
5 Statistics Button
6 Logged in User
7 Log out Button
8 Languages menu
9 Adjust the display to entire width of the screen

Menu items[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Facilities[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates

In this view, all access controls are displayed in an intuitive interface. There are grouping options in two categories. First, you can group by Location. Within the location you can then summarize different Locations.

Individual gates can be added via the menu item "New".


FMCU Facilities.png

When the light view is off, the access controls are shown in the list.


FMCU GridView.png

When one or more facilities are selected with the control,


the facilities can be controlled with the following buttons:

Symbol Description Note
Datei:facbutton1.pngFMCU Normal Lock Button.png change to normal state, lock the doors in both directions
334x334pxFMCU Lock OpenService Single.png open the door permanently or open it for a single person towards the entrance
334x334pxFMCU Lock OpenService Single.png open the door permanently or open it for a single person toward the exit
110x110pxFMCU On Off Button.png Turn the Cleaning mode on and off cleansing cleaning
110x110pxFMCU On Off Button.png Toggle Emergency Open mode on and off Emergency

The Gate display contains the following controls:

Symbol Description Note
choose the gate to activate the buttons above (Normal, Lock Out, etc.)
Navigate to the Facilities page
Navigate to the pageGate-View
FMCU-Server-Button-Normal.pngFMCU Normal Button.png change to Normal state
FMCU-Server-Button-Sperren.pngFMCU Lock Button.png lock the doors in both directions
FMCU-Server-Button-Einzelnfreig.pngFMCU Single Free Button.png open the door in the direction of entrance/exit for a single person
FMCU-Server-Button-Einzelnfreig.pngFMCU Single Free Button.png lock the door in the direction of entrance/exit
FMCU-Server-Button-DauerOffen.pngFMCU Open Service Button.png permanently open the door in the direction of entrance/exit

The symbols under the gate convey various information about it:

Symbol Description Note
No connection to the gate
The gate is in the Normal state
The gate is in the Locked state
The gate is in the fire alarm state
The gate is in the emergency open state
The cleaning mode is active
Alarm is active at the gate
The gate is permanently open
One or more devices at the gate have failed
Current selected configuration of the gate Only if there are two or more configurations at the gate

Gate-View[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

In this view, you can observe the state of each gate, control the gate, and apply the gate's configurations (if there are two or more).

FMCU GateView.png

FMCU GateView.png

These buttons allow you to perform various actions:

Symbol Description Note
FMCU-Server-Button-Clearance.pngFMCU Clearance Button.png Turn cleaning mode on and off
FMCU-Server-Button-Emergency.pngFMCU Emergency Button.png Manually switch the emergency open state on and off
FMCU-Server-Button-Restart.pngFMCU Restart Button.png Restart the gate
Choose a new configuration of the gate from the combo box Only if there are two or more configurations at the gate
Apply the new configuration
Do without the new configuration

Set up a new Gate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Please click the button New button

FMCU NewGate.png

FMCU MainPage new.png
In this view you create a New gate. The fields Names, Displayed Name and Position of the Gate must be verified with values. Then Press Save then click on Facilities.

FMCU TestGate P1.pngFMCU NewGate PressFacilities.png
You can now see in the view that you have created a NEW gate,

in this case the sixth gate in this view.

FMCU NewGate35.png

FMCU NewGate View.png
In the next step you connect the gate to the server.

https://<IP-Adresse des Dashboards>
To do this, check on the General tab that the correct gate name has been entered.

Gate confgeneral.png

Gate General Configuration.png
Then check the following points on the Server tab.
Gate Server Configuration.png
Server#0 (server)- must be set to remote.

Activated slide-switch is activated.

Your server should be entered under Name*.

Your URL should be entered under URL*.

Gate should be entered under Username*.

Your password should be entered under Password*.

Save at the end.

In the next step, please click on System in the top bar.Gate PressSystem.png

Gate confserv.png

You will now see the following display, here please press restart once. Now your new gate should be connected.

Gate System.png

Gate System Restart.png
Finally, you can check the connection in the Status tab. CONNECTED must now appear under State.

Gate Status1.png

Gate Status Check.png

Edit existing Gate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates

You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate. Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
Datei:GridViewFMCU.png FMCU GridV TestGate.png
In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to edit (in the example P8TestGate_TestGateP1).
Datei:GridViewSelect.png FMCU GridView TestGate.png
In this view, please press the "Edit" function.
Datei:PressEdit.png FMCU Gate View.png
You can now edit the gate in this view.
Datei:GateCardsFMCU.png FMCU Editing Page.png

Remove Gate[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates

You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.

Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left. Datei:GridViewFMCU.png

FMCU GridV TestGate.png
In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to delete (in the example P8TestGate_TestGateP1).
Datei:GridViewSelect.png FMCU GridView TestGate.png
In this view, please press the "Delete" function.
Datei:DeleteGate.png FMCU Delete Gate.png
To be on the safe side, you will now be asked again whether you really want to delete the element? Please confirm this.
Datei:ConfirmDelete.png FMCU Delete Gate Accept.png
After deleting, you will automatically be shown the next gate (here in the example P1_TestGate2). Please click on attachments Facilities here.
Datei:GoToFacilities.png FMCU GoTo Facilities.png
You will then see in the grid view Grid View that Gate P8TestGate_TestGate P1 is missing and has been successfully deleted.
Datei:Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-22.png FMCU GridView Deleted Gate.png

Administration[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

User[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/users

On this page you can see an overview of all users Datei:FMCU Users.png
FMCU Users Tab1.png

Number Function
1 Create new user
2 Filter users by location
3 Filter users by position

Set up new User[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Press under User on the button New

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-user

Datei:FMCU newUser.png FMCU Create New User.png

Field Name Description
Id Automatically generated unique number of the user
Username* Username of the user to login
Password* User's password for login
Email Email address of the user for sending log messages
First name User's first name
Last name Last name of the user
Info Description of the user
Superuser The highest rights are assigned to the user
Locked The user's login is blocked
Disable notifications The user does not receive any notifications in the FMCU Management Dashboard

* Strictly required fields Through the button Save the new user is created.

Edit existing User[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Press under User the a user to edit
FMCU Edit User.png

Event Notifications[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Under this tab, the notifications can be selected which the user should receive.
Note: If the checkbox Disable notifications is set, no notifications are displayed regardless of these settings.
FMCU Events Notifications.png

Locations & Positions Tab[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

You can set different locations in countries and cities. Separate access rights can be defined for each location via the authorization model.
FMCU Locations Positions.png

Groups Tab[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

This tab allows you to customize the user's group memberships.
FMCU Groups Tab.png

Permissions Tab[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The user's permissions are displayed under this tab
FMCU Groups User Permissions.png
All changes are applied by clicking the Save button.

Groups[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/groups

On this page you can see an overview of all groups Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard groups.png
FMCU Groups Tab.png

Set up new Group[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-group

Click under Gruppen the button NewGate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new groups.png
Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-24 um 11.03.34.png
please enter a group name, optional you can write a description to the group

FMCU New Group.png

Field Name Description
Id Automatically generated unique number of the group
Name Name of the Group
Info Description of the Group

* Strictly required fields

The new group is created by clicking the Save button.

Edit existing Group[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Click under Gruppen the Group you want edit
FMCU Groups Tab.png

Users Tab[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

This tab allows you to customize the members of the group.
FMCU Groups userstab.png

Permissions Tab[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The permissions that are inherited by the members of the group are displayed under this tab.
All changes are applied by clicking the Save button.
FMCU Permissions user edit.png

Positions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cities

On this page you can see an overview of all positions
FMCU Administration Positions.png

Set up new Position[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-city

Under Positions click on the button New

Enter the name of the position and assign the position to a location using the dropdown field.
FMCU Create New Position.png
Click on the Save button to create the position

Edit existing Position[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Under Positions click to edit the position
FMCU Edit Position.png
Here you can edit the position name and location
FMCU Position Edit Interface.png

Locations[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/countries

On this page you can see an overview of all locations
FMCU Locations View.png

Set up new Location[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-country

Press under Locations the button New
FMCU Create New Location.png
FMCU Create NewLocation.png

Field Name Description
Id Automatically generated unique number of the location
Name* Location name
Code* Location country code
Info Description of the location

* Strictly required fields

Click on the Save button to create the position

Edit existing Location[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Under Location , click the location you want to edit
FMCU EditExisting Location.png
Here you can edit the name, code and info of the location
FMCU Editing Location.png

Locations & Positions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/locations

Here you can see an overview of all positions and their assigned locations
FMCU Locations Positions.png

Configuration[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/configurations

FMCU Administration Configuration.png

Events[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Events[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/events

In this view, the events of all access controls are shown in an intuitive list view. There are filtering options and a name search for the events.
Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard Events.png FMCU Events9.png
The following filters can be set:

  1. Location
  2. PositionFactory
  3. Facility
  4. Search by Event name
  5. Time Period

Event Definitions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definitions

In this view, all events that the FMCU contains are listed and their event definition groups, supported states and categories are assigned. Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definitions.png
FMCU Event Definitions.png

Event definition Groups[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definition-groups

All event definition groups are listed under this tab. Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definition-groups.png
FMCU Event definition groups.png

Create a new Event definition Group[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Click Event defenition groups on the Button New
Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new event-definition-group.png FMCU PressNew Eventdg.png
FMCU Create New definition Group.png

Fieldname Description
ID Automatically generated unique group number
Name Name of the group
Info Group description

* Absolutely required fields

Under the Event defenition tab select the event definitions that are to be assigned to the group.

Event Subscriptions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-subscriptions

There is the possibility to link groups of alarm messages with groups of users. As a result, only group members are notified of alarm messages that are also grouped,

image event subscription.png

FMCU Event Subscriptions.png

Fieldname Description
ID internal value
Group Summary of users
Ereignisdefinitionsgruppe Event definition group
Locked Notifications deactivated/activated
Info Description field

Notifications[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/notifications

Sent notifications are displayed in this overview. You can adjust the view accordingly using a date filter.

image notofication statistics.png

Notifications FMCU.png

Cards[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Cards[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards

This view shows an overview of the RFID cards in the system with the gates enabled for access.

image card overview.png

FMCU Cards Page.png

Edit Cards[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards-edit

In this view, cards can be added / removed and authorizations for individual gates can be defined.

image card settings.png

FMCU Edi Cards1.png
After you push the Add Button you will be shown the following window
FMCU Add New Card.png

Field Description
Barcode Card content that is captured by the reader
Employee Description field
Employee ID Description field
Quantity Number of accesses for this card

Statistics[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

In this view, all activities for the assigned access controls are shown. You can adjust the view with date filters. It is possible to group the screen output, e.g. only to evaluate the number per day or month. Finally, the data can be exported in Excel format or CSV-format.

image statistics.png

FMCU Main Statistics.png

Additional Topics[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Authorization[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Access to certain resources provided by the application, e.g. facilities, actions, user interface elements, can be limited or unlimited. Access is unlimited if the user is a superuser. Any superuser can set or remove the Superuser property for any other user. Access for non-superuser users can be restricted by their groups (group-level permissions) and/or locations (location-level permissions).

Group-Level Authorization[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Group-level authorization is implemented through group permissions, which are a set of boolean values (true/false) that allow/deny group users access to various resources. The permissions are divided into categories and subcategories for easier navigation.


The image shows the permissions for the Manager group. If a checkbox is set, the resource is allowed for the users, otherwise it is denied.

Here are some examples of permissions:

  • Actions / Facility / Mode / ServiceEntry. If the action ServiceEntry is set, the users of this group can open the gate in the entry direction, otherwise they cannot.


  • Tables / audit / Read. The Administration | Audit page displays data from the audit database table. By default, access to the audit table is denied to all groups. This means that the data on the Administration | Audit page is only displayed to superusers.


  • Views | Menu | Administration | Groups. If the Groups checkbox is set, the menu item is shown to the users, otherwise it is hidden.


The permissions are divided into the following top categories:

Category Description Example
Actions Actions, the user can execute from the dashboard ServiceEntry, allow/deny users to permanently open facilities in entry direction
Tables Create, read, update and delete records in database tables Allow/deny users to access the audit table
Views Show/hide user interface elements Show/hide the Administration / Groups menu

Maxcrc MediaWiki:Icon-info.png
If the user belongs to more than one group and access to a resource is allowed in one of the groups, the user can access the resource

Maxcrc MediaWiki:Icon-info.png
The configuration of items in the Views category should be consistent with items in the Tables category. For example, if a menu for a page is configured to be displayed, but the database table whose data is displayed on the page is configured to be denied, the data will not be displayed

Location-Level Authorization[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Location-level authorization means that some location-aware resources, such as facilities, groups, and users, can be assigned to one or more locations and/or positions, so that the user can access only those resources that have the same locations.

For example, there are two locations: Standort1 with positions P1 and P2 and Standort2 with positions P3 and P4:


In the above picture, All positions means P1 and P2 for Standort1 and P3 and P4 for Standort2.

If we take the user manager and select locations and positions like in the picture below


then the user manager will have access to other location-aware resources (users, groups and facilities) as follows:

Position Access allowed
P1 Yes
P2 Yes
P3 Yes
P4 No

{{translate|Wanzl Access Manager ~ Management Dashboard}}

        {{DISPLAYTITLE:Wanzl Access Manager ~ Management Dashboard}}

<br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />

        <br />
            The Wanzl Access Manager offers a central dashbaord for access controls in a homogeneous interface, displays the corresponding states and supports the user in the administration of these components. The Wanzl Access Manager is a leading platform for monitoring and managing access controls of security areas.
            <br /><br />

        =Sign Up=
        <br />
            Please enter the login information provided by support here to log in to the central dashboard.
        <br />
<br />

            <br />

            <br />
        <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        |Button Management Dashboard
        |Events Button
        |Cards Button
        |Statistics Button
        |Logged in User
        |Log out Button
        |Languages menu
        |Adjust the display to entire width of the screen
        <br /><br />

        =Menu items=
        <br />
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
        In this view, all access controls are displayed in an intuitive interface. There are grouping options in two categories. First, you can group by '''Location'''. Within the location you can then summarize different '''Locations'''.
        <br />
Individual gates can be added via the menu item "'''New'''".
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU _Facilities.png|ohne|800x528]]
            <br />
When the light view is off, the access controls are shown in the list.
        <br />
        [[Datei:FMCU _GridView.png|ohne|800x528]]800x800px]]
            <br />

        When one or more facilities are selected with the control,
            <br />
        <br />
            the facilities can be controlled with the following buttons:
        <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        |change to normal state, lock the doors in both directions
        |[[Datei:facbutton8.png|ohne|link=|334x334pxFMCU Lock OpenService Single.png|rahmenlos]]
        |open the door permanently or open it for a single person
        |towards the entrance
        |[[Datei:facbutton8.png|ohne|link=|334x334pxFMCU Lock OpenService Single.png|rahmenlos]]
        |open the door permanently or open it for a single person
        |toward the exit
        |Turn the '''Cleaning''' mode on and off
        |Toggle '''Emergency Open''' mode on and off
            <br />
<br />
        The Gate display contains the following controls:
        {| class="wikitable"
        |choose the gate
        |to activate the buttons above ('''Normal''', '''Lock Out''', etc.)
        |Navigate to the '''Facilities''' page
        |Navigate to the page'''Gate-View'''
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Normal Button-Normal.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|212x212px]]
        |change to Normal state
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Lock Button-Sperren.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|210x210px]]
        |lock the doors in both directions
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Single Free Button-Einzelnfreig.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|126x126px]]
        |open the door in the direction of entrance/exit for a single person
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Single Free Button-Einzelnfreig.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|126x126px]]
        |lock the door in the direction of entrance/exit
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Open Service Button-DauerOffen.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|125x125px]]
        |permanently open the door in the direction of entrance/exit

<br />
        The symbols under the gate convey various information about it:
        {| class="wikitable"
        |No connection to the gate
        |The gate is in the Normal state
        |The gate is in the Locked state
        |The gate is in the fire alarm state
        |The gate is in the emergency open state
        |The cleaning mode is active
        |Alarm is active at the gate
        |The gate is permanently open
        |One or more devices at the gate have failed
        |Current selected configuration of the gate
        |Only if there are two or more configurations at the gate
<br />
        <br />
            In this view, you can observe the state of each gate, control the gate, and apply the gate's configurations (if there are two or more).
        <br />
        [[Datei:FMCU _GateView.png|ohne|mini|304x304px]]
            <br />
<br />
        These buttons allow you to perform various actions:
        {| class="wikitable"
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Clearance Button-Clearance.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|159x159px]]
        |Turn cleaning mode on and off
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Emergency Button-Emergency.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|172x172px]]
        |Manually switch the emergency open state on and off
        |[[Datei:FMCU-Server- Restart Button-Restart.png|ohne|link=rahmenlos|81x81px]]
        |Restart the gate
        |Choose a new configuration of the gate from the combo box
        |Only if there are two or more configurations at the gate
        |Apply the new configuration
        |Do without the new configuration
<br />
====<big>Set up a new Gate</big>====
        <br />
            Please click the button '''New'''
        button<br />
        [[Datei:FMCU_NewGate MainPage new.png|ohne|mini|800x526px]]
<br />
            <br />
            In this view you create a '''New''' gate. The fields '''Names''', '''Displayed''' '''Name''' and '''Position''' of the Gate must be verified with values. Then Press Save then click on Facilities.
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU setupNewGate_TestGate_P1.png|ohne|mini|800x526px]]
            <br />
        You can now see in the view that you have created a '''NEW''' gate,
            in this case the sixth gate in this view.
        <br />
        [[Datei:FMCU NewGate35_NewGate_View.png|ohne|mini|800x539px]]
            <br />
            In the next step you connect the gate to the server.
        https://<IP-Adresse des Dashboards>
        </syntaxhighlight>To do this, check on the '''General''' tab that the correct gate name has been entered.
<br />
            [[Datei:Gate confgeneralGeneral Configuration.png|ohne|mini]]
            <br />
        Then check the following points on the '''Server''' tab.
            <br />
            [[Datei:Gate Server Configuration.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            Server#0 (server)- must be set to remote.

        Activated slide-switch is activated.

        Your server should be entered under Name*.

        Your URL should be entered under URL*.

        Gate should be entered under Username*.

        Your password should be entered under Password*.

        '''Save''' at the end. 
        [[Datei:Gate conf.png|ohne|mini|295x295px]]

In the next step, please click on System in the top bar.
[[Datei:Gate confservPressSystem.png|ohne|mini]]
You will now see the following display, here please press restart once. Now your new gate should be connected.
        <br />
            [[Datei:Gate System Restart.png|ohne|mini]]
            <br />
            Finally, you can check the connection in the '''Status''' tab. '''CONNECTED''' must now appear under State.
        <br />
            [[Datei:Gate Status1Status Check.png|ohne|mini]]800x800px]]
            <br />
            ====Edit existing Gate====
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
        You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.
            Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
        <br />
        [[Datei:GridViewFMCUFMCU GridV TestGate.png|rahmenlos]]
            <br />
            In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to edit (in the example P8_TestGate).

            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU GridView TestGate.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            In this view, please press the "Edit" function.
        <br />
        [[Datei:PressEditFMCU Gate View.png|rahmenlos]]800x800px]]
            <br />
            You can now edit the gate in this view.
        <br />
        [[Datei:GateCardsFMCUFMCU Editing Page.png|rahmenlos]]
            <br />
        ====Remove Gate====
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
        You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.

        Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
<br />
            [[Datei:GridViewFMCUFMCU GridV TestGate.png|rahmenlos]] 
            <br />
            In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to delete (in the example P8_TestGate). 

            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU GridView TestGate.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            In this view, please press the "Delete" function. 
        <br />
        [[Datei:DeleteGateFMCU Delete Gate.png|rahmenlos]] 
            <br />
        To be on the safe side, you will now be asked again whether you really want to delete the element? Please confirm this. 
        <br />
            FMCU Delete Gate Accept.png|800x800px]] 
            <br />
        After deleting, you will automatically be shown the next gate (here in the example P1_TestGate2). Please click on attachmentsFacilities here. 
        <br />
        [[Datei:GoToFacilitiesFMCU GoTo Facilities.png|rahmenlos]] 
            <br />
        You will then see in the grid viewGrid View that Gate P8_TestGateTestGate_P1 is missing and has been successfully deleted. 
            <br /><br />
            [[Datei:Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-22.png|rahmenlos]]

            FMCU GridView Deleted Gate.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            <br />
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/users
        On this page you can see an overview of all users
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Users Tab1.png|rahmenlos]]
            <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        |Create new user
        |Filter users by location
        |Filter users by position
        <br />
        ===Set up new User===
        <br />
            Press under [[#Users| User]] on the button '''New'''
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-user
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU newUserCreate New User.png|rahmenlos]]
            <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        !Field Name
        |Automatically generated unique number of the user
        |Username of the user to login
        |User's password for login
        |Email address of the user for sending log messages
        |First name
        |User's first name
        |Last name
        |Last name of the user
        |Description of the user
        |The highest rights are assigned to the user
        |The user's login is blocked
        |Disable notifications
        |The user does not receive any notifications in the FMCU Management Dashboard
        '''*''' Strictly required fields
        Through the button '''Save''' the new user is created.
        ===Edit existing User===
        <br />
            Press under [[#Users | User]] thea user to edit
        ====Event Notifications====
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Edit User.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ====Event Notifications====
            <br />
            Under this tab, the notifications can be selected which the user should receive.<br />'''Note:''' If the checkbox '''Disable notifications''' is set, no notifications are displayed regardless of these settings.
            <br />
        ====Locations & Positions Tab====
            [[Datei:FMCU Events Notifications.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ====Locations & Positions Tab====
            <br />
            You can set different locations in countries and cities. Separate access rights can be defined for each location via the authorization model.
        <br />
        ====Groups Tab====
            [[Datei:FMCU Locations Positions.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ====Groups Tab====
            <br />
            This tab allows you to customize the user's group memberships.
        <br />
        ====Permissions Tab====
            [[Datei:FMCU Groups Tab.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ====Permissions Tab====
            <br />
            The user's permissions are displayed under this tab
        <br />
        [[Datei:FMCU Groups User Permissions.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            All changes are applied by clicking the '''Save''' button.
<br /><br /><br />
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/groups
        On this page you can see an overview of all groups
            <br />
            [[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard groups_Groups_Tab.png|rahmenlos|1133x1133px]]
            <br /><br />
        ===Set up new Group===
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-group
        Click under [[#Gruppen | Gruppen]] the button '''New'''
            <br />
            [[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new groups.png|rahmenlos|1134x1134px]]
            Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-24 um 11.03.34.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            please enter a group name, optional you can write a description to the group
<br />
            [[Datei:FMCU New Group.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        !Field Name
        |Automatically generated unique number of the group
        |Name of the Group
        |Description of the Group
        '''*''' Strictly required fields
        <br />

        The new group is created by clicking the '''Save''' button.
<br />

        ===Edit existing Group===
        <br />
            Click under [[#Gruppen | Gruppen]] the Group you want edit
        ====Users Tab====
            <br />
            <br />
            ====Users Tab====
            <br />
            This tab allows you to customize the members of the group.
            ====Permissions Tab====
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Groups userstab.png|800x800px]]<br />
            <br />
            ====Permissions Tab====
            <br />
            The permissions that are inherited by the members of the group are displayed under this tab.
        <br />
            All changes are applied by clicking the '''Save''' button.
            <br />

            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Permissions user edit.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cities
        On this page you can see an overview of all positions
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Administration Positions.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ===Set up new Position===
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-city
        Under [[#Positions | Positions]] click on the button '''New'''
            Enter the name of the position and assign the position to a location using the dropdown field.
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Create New Position.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            Click on the '''Save''' button to create the position
            <br />
            ===Edit existing Position===
        <br />
            Under [[#Positions| Positions]] click to edit the position
        <br />
        [[Datei:FMCU Edit Position.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            Here you can edit the position name and location
            <br /><br /><br />

            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Position Edit Interface.png|800x800px]]<br />
            <br />
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/countries
        On this page you can see an overview of all locations
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Locations View.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ===Set up new Location===
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-country
        Press under [[#Locations | Locations]] the button '''New'''
        <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Create New Location.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Create NewLocation.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        !Field Name
        |Automatically generated unique number of the location
        |Location name
            |Location country code
        |Description of the location
        '''*''' Strictly required fields
            <br />
        Click on the '''Save''' button to create the position

        ===Edit existing Location===
        <br />
            Under [[#Location| Location]] , click the location you want to edit
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU EditExisting Location.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            Here you can edit the name, code and info of the location
            ==Locations & Positions==
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Editing Location.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ==Locations & Positions==
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/locations
        Here you can see an overview of all positions and their assigned locations
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Locations Positions.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/configurations

            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Administration Configuration.png|800x800px]]
            <br />

            <br />
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/events
        In this view, the events of all access controls are shown in an intuitive list view. There are filtering options and a name search for the events.
        <br />
        [[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard Events.png|rahmenlos|1050x1050px]]
            <br />
        The following filters can be set:

        #Search by Event name
        #Time Period

        ==Event Definitions==
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definitions
        In this view, all events that the FMCU contains are listed and their event definition groups, supported states and categories are assigned.
            <br />
            [[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definitions.png|rahmenlos|1037x1037px]]

            ==Event definition Groups==
            Event Definitions.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ==Event definition Groups==
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definition-groups
        All event definition groups are listed under this tab.
            <br />
            [[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definition-groups.png|rahmenlos|1038x1038px]]
Event definition groups.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            ===Create a new Event definition Group===
        <br />
            Click [[#Event defenition groups|Event defenition groups]] on the Button '''New'''
        <br />
        [[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new event-definition-group.png|rahmenlos|1048x1048px]]
            PressNew Eventdg.png|800x800px]]
            <br />
            <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        |Automatically generated unique group number
        |Name of the group
        |Group description
        '''*''' Absolutely required fields

            Under the '''Event defenition''' tab select the event definitions that are to be assigned to the group.
<br />

        ==Event Subscriptions==
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-subscriptions
        There is the possibility to link groups of alarm messages with groups of users. As a result, only group members are notified of alarm messages that are also grouped, 
        <br />
        [[Datei:image event subscriptionFMCU Event Subscriptions.png|ohne|mini]]
            <br />
            {| class="wikitable"
        |internal value
        |Summary of users
        |Event definition group
        |Notifications deactivated/activated
        |Description field

        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/notifications
        Sent notifications are displayed in this overview. You can adjust the view accordingly using a date filter.
        <br />
            [[Datei:image notofication statisticsNotifications FMCU.png|ohne|mini800x800px]]
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards
        This view shows an overview of the RFID cards in the system with the gates enabled for access.
        <br />
            [[Datei:image card overviewFMCU Cards Page.png|ohne|mini]]

            ==Edit Cards==
            <br />
            ==Edit Cards==
            <br />
        https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards-edit
        In this view, cards can be added / removed and authorizations for individual gates can be defined.
        <br />
            [[Datei:image card settingsFMCU Edi Cards1.png|ohne|mini800x800px]]
            <br />
            After you push the Add Button you will be shown the following window
            <br />
            [[Datei:FMCU Add New Card.png|800x800px]]
        <br />
        {| class="wikitable"
        |Card content that is captured by the reader
        |Description field
        |Employee ID
        |Description field
        |Number of accesses for this card

        <br />
            In this view, all activities for the assigned access controls are shown. You can adjust the view with date filters. It is possible to group the screen output, e.g. only to evaluate the number per day or month. Finally, the data can be exported in Excel format or CSV-format.
        <br />
            [[Datei:image statisticsFMCU Main Statistics.png|ohne|mini800x800px]]
        <br />
<br />

        {{DEFAULTSORT:FMCU Galaxy Gate ~ Management Dashboard}}
<br /><span name="Roadmap"></span>
        [[Kategorie:Galaxy Gate EN]]

            =Additional Topics=
            <br />


            Access to certain resources provided by the application, e.g. facilities, actions, user interface elements, can be limited or unlimited. Access is unlimited if the user is a superuser. Any superuser can set or remove the '''Superuser''' property for any other user. Access for non-superuser users can be restricted by their groups ('''group-level permissions''') and/or locations ('''location-level permissions''').

            ===Group-Level Authorization===

            Group-level authorization is implemented through group permissions, which are a set of boolean values (true/false) that allow/deny group users access to various resources. The permissions are divided into categories and subcategories for easier navigation.


            The image shows the permissions for the '''Manager''' group. If a checkbox is set, the resource is allowed for the users, otherwise it is denied.

            Here are some examples of permissions:

            * '''Actions / Facility / Mode / ServiceEntry'''. If the action '''ServiceEntry''' is set, the users of this group can open the gate in the entry direction, otherwise they cannot.


            * '''Tables / audit / Read'''. The '''Administration | Audit''' page displays data from the '''audit''' database table. By default, access to the '''audit''' table is denied to all groups. This means that the data on the '''Administration | Audit''' page is only displayed to superusers.


            * '''Views | Menu | Administration | Groups'''. If the '''Groups''' checkbox is set, the menu item is shown to the users, otherwise it is hidden.


            The permissions are divided into the following top categories:

            {| class="wikitable"
            |Actions, the user can execute from the dashboard
            | '''ServiceEntry''', allow/deny users to permanently open facilities in entry direction
            |Create, read, update and delete records in database tables
            | Allow/deny users to access the '''audit''' table
            |Show/hide user interface elements
            |Show/hide the '''Administration / Groups''' menu

            {{ Box_Note | Note Text = If the user belongs to more than one group and access to a resource is allowed in one of the groups, the user can access the resource }}
<br />

            {{ Box_Note | Note Text = The configuration of items in the ''Views'' category should be consistent with items in the ''Tables'' category. For example, if a menu for a page is configured to be displayed, but the database table whose data is displayed on the page is configured to be denied, the data will not be displayed }}

            ===Location-Level Authorization===

            Location-level authorization means that some location-aware resources, such as facilities, groups, and users, can be assigned to one or more ''locations'' and/or ''positions,'' so that the user can access only those resources that have the same locations.

            For example, there are two locations: '''Standort1''' with positions '''P1''' and '''P2''' and '''Standort2''' with positions '''P3''' and '''P4''':


            In the above picture, '''All positions''' means '''P1''' and '''P2''' for '''Standort1''' and '''P3''' and '''P4''' for '''Standort2'''.

            If we take the user '''manager''' and select locations and positions like in the picture below


            then the user '''manager''' will have access to other location-aware resources (users, groups and facilities) as follows:

            {| class="wikitable"
            !Access allowed
<br />
(51 dazwischenliegende Versionen von 2 Benutzern werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 11: Zeile 11:
<br />
The Wanzl Access Manager offers a central dashbaord for access controls in a homogeneous interface, displays the corresponding states and supports the user in the administration of these components. The Wanzl Access Manager is a leading platform for monitoring and managing access controls of security areas.
The Wanzl Access Manager offers a central dashbaord for access controls in a homogeneous interface, displays the corresponding states and supports the user in the administration of these components. The Wanzl Access Manager is a leading platform for monitoring and managing access controls of security areas.
<br /><br />
=Sign Up=
<br />
<br />
=Sign Up=
Please enter the login information provided by support here to log in to the central dashboard.
Please enter the login information provided by support here to log in to the central dashboard.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Zeile 55: Zeile 57:
|Adjust the display to entire width of the screen
|Adjust the display to entire width of the screen
<br /><br />
<br />
=Menu items=
=Menu items=
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
In this view, all access controls are displayed in an intuitive interface. There are grouping options in two categories. First, you can group by '''Location'''. Within the location you can then summarize different '''Locations'''.
In this view, all access controls are displayed in an intuitive interface. There are grouping options in two categories. First, you can group by '''Location'''. Within the location you can then summarize different '''Locations'''.
Individual gates can be added via the menu item "'''New'''".[[Datei:FMCU Facilities.png|ohne|800x528]]
<br />
Individual gates can be added via the menu item "'''New'''".
<br />
<br />
When the light view is off, the access controls are shown in the list.
When the light view is off, the access controls are shown in the list.
<br />
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GridView.png|ohne|800x528]]<br />
When one or more facilities are selected with the control,
<br />
When one or more facilities are selected with the control,[[Datei:FMCU-Server-Check-Select.png|ohne|link=]] the facilities can be controlled with the following buttons:
<br />
the facilities can be controlled with the following buttons:
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Zeile 76: Zeile 91:
|change to normal state, lock the doors in both directions
|change to normal state, lock the doors in both directions
|[[Datei:FMCU Lock OpenService Single.png|rahmenlos]]
|open the door permanently or open it for a single person
|open the door permanently or open it for a single person
|towards the entrance
|towards the entrance
|[[Datei:FMCU Lock OpenService Single.png|rahmenlos]]
|open the door permanently or open it for a single person
|open the door permanently or open it for a single person
|toward the exit
|toward the exit
|Turn the '''Cleaning''' mode on and off
|Turn the '''Cleaning''' mode on and off
|Toggle '''Emergency Open''' mode on and off
|Toggle '''Emergency Open''' mode on and off
<br />
<br />
<br />
Zeile 117: Zeile 133:
|[[Datei:FMCU Normal Button.png|rahmenlos|212x212px]]
|change to Normal state
|change to Normal state
|[[Datei:FMCU Lock Button.png|rahmenlos|210x210px]]
|lock the doors in both directions
|lock the doors in both directions
|[[Datei:FMCU Single Free Button.png|rahmenlos|126x126px]]
|open the door in the direction of entrance/exit for a single person
|open the door in the direction of entrance/exit for a single person
|[[Datei:FMCU Single Free Button.png|rahmenlos|126x126px]]
|lock the door in the direction of entrance/exit
|lock the door in the direction of entrance/exit
|[[Datei:FMCU Open Service Button.png|rahmenlos|125x125px]]
|permanently open the door in the direction of entrance/exit
|permanently open the door in the direction of entrance/exit
<br />
<br />
Zeile 189: Zeile 208:
<br />
<br />
<br />
In this view, you can observe the state of each gate, control the gate, and apply the gate's configurations (if there are two or more).
In this view, you can observe the state of each gate, control the gate, and apply the gate's configurations (if there are two or more).
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GateView.png|ohne|mini|304x304px]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
Zeile 202: Zeile 222:
|[[Datei:FMCU Clearance Button.png|rahmenlos|159x159px]]
|Turn cleaning mode on and off
|Turn cleaning mode on and off
|[[Datei:FMCU Emergency Button.png|rahmenlos|172x172px]]
|Manually switch the emergency open state on and off
|Manually switch the emergency open state on and off
|[[Datei:FMCU Restart Button.png|rahmenlos|81x81px]]
|Restart the gate
|Restart the gate
Zeile 226: Zeile 246:
<br />
====<big>Set up a new Gate</big>====
====<big>Set up a new Gate</big>====
Please click the '''New''' button
<br />
<br />
Please click the button '''New'''
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU MainPage new.png|800x800px]]
<br />
In this view you create a '''New''' gate. The fields '''Names''', '''Displayed''' '''Name''' and '''Position''' of the Gate must be verified with values. Press Save then click on Facilities.
<br />
<br />
You can now see in the view that you have created a '''NEW''' gate,
In this view you create a '''New''' gate. The fields '''Names''', '''Displayed''' '''Name''' and '''Position''' of the Gate must be verified with values. Then click on Facilities.
[[Datei:FMCU setupNewGate.png|ohne|mini|800x526px]]
You can now see in the view that you have created a '''NEW''' gate,
in this case the sixth gate in this view.
in this case the sixth gate in this view.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU NewGate35.png|ohne|mini|800x539px]]
<br />
In the next step you connect the gate to the server.
In the next step you connect the gate to the server.
Zeile 247: Zeile 270:
</syntaxhighlight>To do this, check on the '''General''' tab that the correct gate name has been entered.
</syntaxhighlight>To do this, check on the '''General''' tab that the correct gate name has been entered.
[[Datei:Gate confgeneral.png|ohne|mini]]
<br />
[[Datei:Gate General Configuration.png|800x800px]]
<br />
Then check the following points on the '''Server''' tab.
Then check the following points on the '''Server''' tab.
<br />
[[Datei:Gate Server Configuration.png|800x800px]]
<br />
Server#0 (server)- must be set to remote.
Server#0 (server)- must be set to remote.
Zeile 264: Zeile 290:
'''Save''' at the end.  
'''Save''' at the end.  
[[Datei:Gate conf.png|ohne|mini|295x295px]]
In the next step, please click on System in the top bar.
In the next step, please click on System in the top bar.[[Datei:Gate PressSystem.png|800x800px]]
[[Datei:Gate confserv.png|ohne|mini]]
You will now see the following display, here please press restart once. Now your new gate should be connected.
You will now see the following display, here please press restart once. Now your new gate should be connected.
[[Datei:Gate System.png|ohne|mini]]
<br />
[[Datei:Gate System Restart.png|800x800px]]
<br />
Finally, you can check the connection in the '''Status''' tab. '''CONNECTED''' must now appear under State.
Finally, you can check the connection in the '''Status''' tab. '''CONNECTED''' must now appear under State.
[[Datei:Gate Status1.png|ohne|mini]]<br />
<br />
[[Datei:Gate Status Check.png|800x800px]]
<br />
====Edit existing Gate====
====Edit existing Gate====
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.
You are in the same view as where you would create a new gate.
Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GridV TestGate.png|800x800px]]
In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to edit (in the example P8_TestGate).
<br />
In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to edit (in the example TestGate_P1).
[[Datei:GridViewSelect.png|rahmenlos]]In this view, please press the "Edit" function.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GridView TestGate.png|800x800px]]
[[Datei:PressEdit.png|rahmenlos]]You can now edit the gate in this view.
<br />
In this view, please press the "Edit" function.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Gate View.png|800x800px]]
<br />
You can now edit the gate in this view.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Editing Page.png|800x800px]]
<br />
====Remove Gate====
====Remove Gate====
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/gates
Zeile 302: Zeile 333:
Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
Please move the slide switch "Grid view" to the left.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GridV TestGate.png|800x800px]]
In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to delete (in the example P8_TestGate).  
<br />
In the view click on the name of the gate which you want to delete (in the example TestGate_P1).  
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GridView TestGate.png|800x800px]]
<br />
In this view, please press the "Delete" function.  
In this view, please press the "Delete" function.  
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Delete Gate.png|800x800px]]  
<br />
To be on the safe side, you will now be asked again whether you really want to delete the element? Please confirm this.  
To be on the safe side, you will now be asked again whether you really want to delete the element? Please confirm this.  
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Delete Gate Accept.png|800x800px]]  
<br />
After deleting, you will automatically be shown the next gate (here in the example P1_TestGate2). Please click on attachments here.  
After deleting, you will automatically be shown the next gate (in the example P1_TestGate2). Please click on Facilities here.  
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU GoTo Facilities.png|800x800px]]  
<br />
You will then see in the grid view that Gate P8_TestGate is missing and has been successfully deleted.  
You will then see in the Grid View that Gate TestGate_P1 is missing and has been successfully deleted.  
<br />
<br />[[Datei:Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-22.png|rahmenlos]]
[[Datei:FMCU GridView Deleted Gate.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/users
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/users
On this page you can see an overview of all users
On this page you can see an overview of all users
[[Datei:FMCU Users.png|rahmenlos]]
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Users Tab1.png|800x800px]]
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Zeile 346: Zeile 382:
<br />
<br />
===Set up new User===
===Set up new User===
<br />
Press under [[#Users| User]] on the button '''New'''
Press under [[#Users| User]] on the button '''New'''
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-user
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-user
[[Datei:FMCU newUser.png|rahmenlos]]
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Create New User.png|800x800px]]
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!Field Name
!Field Name
Zeile 388: Zeile 427:
Through the button '''Save''' the new user is created.
Through the button '''Save''' the new user is created.
===Edit existing User===
===Edit existing User===
Press under [[#Users | User]] the user to edit
<br />
Press under [[#Users | User]] a user to edit
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Edit User.png|800x800px]]
<br />
====Event Notifications====
====Event Notifications====
Under this tab, the notifications can be selected which the user should receive.<br />'''Note:''' If the checkbox '''Disable notifications''' is set, no notifications are displayed regardless of these settings.<br>
<br />
Under this tab, the notifications can be selected which the user should receive.<br />'''Note:''' If the checkbox '''Disable notifications''' is set, no notifications are displayed regardless of these settings.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Events Notifications.png|800x800px]]
<br />
====Locations & Positions Tab====
====Locations & Positions Tab====
<br />
You can set different locations in countries and cities. Separate access rights can be defined for each location via the authorization model.
You can set different locations in countries and cities. Separate access rights can be defined for each location via the authorization model.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Locations Positions.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
====Groups Tab====
====Groups Tab====
<br />
This tab allows you to customize the user's group memberships.
This tab allows you to customize the user's group memberships.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Groups Tab.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
====Permissions Tab====
====Permissions Tab====
<br />
The user's permissions are displayed under this tab
The user's permissions are displayed under this tab
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Groups User Permissions.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
All changes are applied by clicking the '''Save''' button.
All changes are applied by clicking the '''Save''' button.
<br /><br /><br />
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/groups
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/groups
On this page you can see an overview of all groups[[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard groups.png|rahmenlos|1133x1133px]]<br /><br />
On this page you can see an overview of all groups
<br />
<br />
===Set up new Group===
===Set up new Group===
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-group
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-group
Click under [[#Gruppen | Gruppen]] the button '''New'''[[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new groups.png|rahmenlos|1134x1134px]]
Click under [[#Gruppen | Gruppen]] the button '''New'''
<br />
[[Datei:Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-24 um 11.03.34.png|800x800px]]
<br />
please enter a group name, optional you can write a description to the group
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU New Group.png|800x800px]]
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!Field Name
!Field Name
Zeile 435: Zeile 503:
===Edit existing Group===
===Edit existing Group===
<br />
Click under [[#Gruppen | Gruppen]] the Group you want edit
Click under [[#Gruppen | Gruppen]] the Group you want edit
<br />
<br />
====Users Tab====
====Users Tab====
<br />
This tab allows you to customize the members of the group.
This tab allows you to customize the members of the group.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Groups userstab.png|800x800px]]<br />
<br />
====Permissions Tab====
====Permissions Tab====
<br />
The permissions that are inherited by the members of the group are displayed under this tab.
The permissions that are inherited by the members of the group are displayed under this tab.
<br />All changes are applied by clicking the '''Save''' button.
<br />
<br />
All changes are applied by clicking the '''Save''' button.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Permissions user edit.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cities
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cities
On this page you can see an overview of all positions
On this page you can see an overview of all positions
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Administration Positions.png|800x800px]]
<br />
===Set up new Position===
===Set up new Position===
Zeile 455: Zeile 536:
Under [[#Positions | Positions]] click on the button '''New'''
Under [[#Positions | Positions]] click on the button '''New'''
Enter the name of the position and assign the position to a location using the dropdown field.
Enter the name of the position and assign the position to a location using the dropdown field.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Create New Position.png|800x800px]]
<br />
Click on the '''Save''' button to create the position
Click on the '''Save''' button to create the position
<br />
===Edit existing Position===
===Edit existing Position===
<br />
Under [[#Positions| Positions]] click to edit the position
Under [[#Positions| Positions]] click to edit the position
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Edit Position.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
Here you can edit the position name and location
Here you can edit the position name and location
<br />
<br /><br /><br />
[[Datei:FMCU Position Edit Interface.png|800x800px]]<br />
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/countries
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/countries
On this page you can see an overview of all locations
On this page you can see an overview of all locations
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Locations View.png|800x800px]]
<br />
===Set up new Location===
===Set up new Location===
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-country
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/new-country
Press under [[#Locations | Locations]] the button '''New'''
Press under [[#Locations | Locations]] the button '''New'''
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Create New Location.png|800x800px]]
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Create NewLocation.png|800x800px]]
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
!Field Name
!Field Name
Zeile 483: Zeile 583:
|Location name
|Location name
|Location country code
Zeile 491: Zeile 588:
'''*''' Strictly required fields
'''*''' Strictly required fields
<br />
<br />
Click on the '''Save''' button to create the position
Click on the '''Save''' button to create the position
===Edit existing Location===
===Edit existing Location===
Under [[#Location| Location]] , click the location you want to edit<br />Here you can edit the name, code and info of the location
<br />
Under [[#Location| Location]] , click the location you want to edit
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU EditExisting Location.png|800x800px]]
<br />
Here you can edit the name, code and info of the location
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Editing Location.png|800x800px]]
<br />
==Locations & Positions==
==Locations & Positions==
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/locations
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/locations
Here you can see an overview of all positions and their assigned locations
Here you can see an overview of all positions and their assigned locations
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Locations Positions.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/configurations
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/configurations
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Administration Configuration.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/events
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/events
In this view, the events of all access controls are shown in an intuitive list view. There are filtering options and a name search for the events.
In this view, the events of all access controls are shown in an intuitive list view. There are filtering options and a name search for the events.
<br />
[[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard Events.png|rahmenlos|1050x1050px]]
[[Datei:FMCU Events9.png|800x800px]]
<br />
The following filters can be set:
The following filters can be set:
#Search by Event name
#Search by Event name
#Time Period
#Time Period
==Event Definitions==
==Event Definitions==
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definitions
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definitions
In this view, all events that the FMCU contains are listed and their event definition groups, supported states and categories are assigned.[[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definitions.png|rahmenlos|1037x1037px]]
In this view, all events that the FMCU contains are listed and their event definition groups, supported states and categories are assigned.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Event Definitions.png|800x800px]]
<br />
==Event definition Groups==
==Event definition Groups==
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definition-groups
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-definition-groups
All event definition groups are listed under this tab.[[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard event-definition-groups.png|rahmenlos|1038x1038px]]
All event definition groups are listed under this tab.
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Event definition groups.png|800x800px]]
<br />
===Create a new Event definition Group===
===Create a new Event definition Group===
<br />
Click [[#Event defenition groups|Event defenition groups]] on the Button '''New'''
Click [[#Event defenition groups|Event defenition groups]] on the Button '''New'''
<br />
[[Datei:Gate ~ FMCU ~ management dashboard new event-definition-group.png|rahmenlos|1048x1048px]]
[[Datei:FMCU PressNew Eventdg.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Zeile 557: Zeile 679:
'''*''' Absolutely required fields
'''*''' Absolutely required fields
Under the '''Event defenition''' tab select the event definitions that are to be assigned to the group.
Under the '''Event defenition''' tab select the event definitions that are to be assigned to the group.
Zeile 564: Zeile 685:
==Event Subscriptions==
==Event Subscriptions==
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-subscriptions
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/event-subscriptions
Zeile 569: Zeile 691:
There is the possibility to link groups of alarm messages with groups of users. As a result, only group members are notified of alarm messages that are also grouped,  
There is the possibility to link groups of alarm messages with groups of users. As a result, only group members are notified of alarm messages that are also grouped,  
<br />
<br />
[[Datei:image event subscription.png|ohne|mini]]
[[Datei:FMCU Event Subscriptions.png|800x800px]]
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Zeile 594: Zeile 715:
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/notifications
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/notifications
Sent notifications are displayed in this overview. You can adjust the view accordingly using a date filter.
Sent notifications are displayed in this overview. You can adjust the view accordingly using a date filter.
[[Datei:image notofication statistics.png|ohne|mini]]
<br />
<br />
[[Datei:Notifications FMCU.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards
This view shows an overview of the RFID cards in the system with the gates enabled for access.
This view shows an overview of the RFID cards in the system with the gates enabled for access.
[[Datei:image card overview.png|ohne|mini]]
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Cards Page.png|800x800px]]
<br />
==Edit Cards==
==Edit Cards==
<br />
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards-edit
https://<dns-name or ip-address>/cards-edit
In this view, cards can be added / removed and authorizations for individual gates can be defined.
In this view, cards can be added / removed and authorizations for individual gates can be defined.
[[Datei:image card settings.png|ohne|mini]]
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Edi Cards1.png|800x800px]]
<br />
After you push the Add Button you will be shown the following window
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Add New Card.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
Zeile 636: Zeile 766:
<br />
In this view, all activities for the assigned access controls are shown. You can adjust the view with date filters. It is possible to group the screen output, e.g. only to evaluate the number per day or month. Finally, the data can be exported in Excel format or CSV-format.
In this view, all activities for the assigned access controls are shown. You can adjust the view with date filters. It is possible to group the screen output, e.g. only to evaluate the number per day or month. Finally, the data can be exported in Excel format or CSV-format.
[[Datei:image statistics.png|ohne|mini]]
<br />
[[Datei:FMCU Main Statistics.png|800x800px]]
<br />
<br />
Zeile 646: Zeile 778:
<br /><span name="Roadmap"></span>
<br /><span name="Roadmap"></span>
[[Kategorie:Galaxy Gate EN]]
[[Kategorie:Galaxy Gate EN]]
=Additional Topics=
<br />
Access to certain resources provided by the application, e.g. facilities, actions, user interface elements, can be limited or unlimited. Access is unlimited if the user is a superuser. Any superuser can set or remove the '''Superuser''' property for any other user. Access for non-superuser users can be restricted by their groups ('''group-level permissions''') and/or locations ('''location-level permissions''').
===Group-Level Authorization===
Group-level authorization is implemented through group permissions, which are a set of boolean values (true/false) that allow/deny group users access to various resources. The permissions are divided into categories and subcategories for easier navigation.
The image shows the permissions for the '''Manager''' group. If a checkbox is set, the resource is allowed for the users, otherwise it is denied.
Here are some examples of permissions:
* '''Actions / Facility / Mode / ServiceEntry'''. If the action '''ServiceEntry''' is set, the users of this group can open the gate in the entry direction, otherwise they cannot.
* '''Tables / audit / Read'''. The '''Administration | Audit''' page displays data from the '''audit''' database table. By default, access to the '''audit''' table is denied to all groups. This means that the data on the '''Administration | Audit''' page is only displayed to superusers.
* '''Views | Menu | Administration | Groups'''. If the '''Groups''' checkbox is set, the menu item is shown to the users, otherwise it is hidden.
The permissions are divided into the following top categories:
{| class="wikitable"
|Actions, the user can execute from the dashboard
| '''ServiceEntry''', allow/deny users to permanently open facilities in entry direction
|Create, read, update and delete records in database tables
| Allow/deny users to access the '''audit''' table
|Show/hide user interface elements
|Show/hide the '''Administration / Groups''' menu
{{ Box_Note | Note Text = If the user belongs to more than one group and access to a resource is allowed in one of the groups, the user can access the resource }}
<br />
{{ Box_Note | Note Text = The configuration of items in the ''Views'' category should be consistent with items in the ''Tables'' category. For example, if a menu for a page is configured to be displayed, but the database table whose data is displayed on the page is configured to be denied, the data will not be displayed }}
===Location-Level Authorization===
Location-level authorization means that some location-aware resources, such as facilities, groups, and users, can be assigned to one or more ''locations'' and/or ''positions,'' so that the user can access only those resources that have the same locations.
For example, there are two locations: '''Standort1''' with positions '''P1''' and '''P2''' and '''Standort2''' with positions '''P3''' and '''P4''':
In the above picture, '''All positions''' means '''P1''' and '''P2''' for '''Standort1''' and '''P3''' and '''P4''' for '''Standort2'''.
If we take the user '''manager''' and select locations and positions like in the picture below
then the user '''manager''' will have access to other location-aware resources (users, groups and facilities) as follows:
{| class="wikitable"
!Access allowed
<br />

